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SEAL Analytical

Enviro TOC

TOC analysis of environmental water and wastewater at its best
Highest sample flexibility
Negligible carryover and precise results

Vario TOC Cube

TOC/TNb analysis without limitations
Customizable for your applicational needs
Outstanding stable results even in lower ppb range

Discover how we can help you achieve your goals.

Unleash the power of science with our reliable instruments and expertise.

Inductar EL Cube

Inductar® EL cube – Analyze five elements in one instrument

Inductar ONH Cube

Inductar ONH Cube – Analyze 3 elements in one instrument

Inductar CS Cube

Advanced carbon and sulfur analyzer for inorganic materials


Rigaku ZSX Primus III NEXT delivers rapid elemental industrial quality control by quantitative determination of major and minor elements from Be through Cm for powder and solid samples.
Elemental analysis of solid samples
X-ray tube-above configuration

ZSX Primus IV𝒾

The tube-below high-performance model enables uncompromised analysis of samples such as liquids, alloys, and plated metals. Providing superior performance with the flexibility for analyzing the most complex samples, the ZSX Primus IV𝒾
Uncompromised X-ray analysis of liquids, alloys, and plated metals

ZSX Primus IV

As a tube-above sequential wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF) spectrometer, the Rigaku ZSX Primus IV delivers rapid quantitative determination of major and minor atomic elements, from beryllium (Be) through uranium (U), in
Elemental analysis of solids, liquids, powders, alloys and thin films


Process Sulfur Gauge for Petroleum Streams
On-line sulfur measurement from 0.04% to 6%
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