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SEAL Analytical

Enviro TOC

TOC analysis of environmental water and wastewater at its best
Highest sample flexibility
Negligible carryover and precise results

Vario TOC Cube

TOC/TNb analysis without limitations
Customizable for your applicational needs
Outstanding stable results even in lower ppb range

Discover how we can help you achieve your goals.

Unleash the power of science with our reliable instruments and expertise.

Inductar EL Cube

Inductar® EL cube – Analyze five elements in one instrument

Inductar ONH Cube

Inductar ONH Cube – Analyze 3 elements in one instrument

Inductar CS Cube

Advanced carbon and sulfur analyzer for inorganic materials


Biochemical Oxygen Demand Analysis System
Automates the 5-day and 7-day BOD and CBOD standard analysis methods.
Automated DO probe calibrations and calibration checks


Fast, green, accurate Chemical Oxygen Demand analysis. Using a nanotechnology based approach, the PeCOD® analyzer obtains fast BOD/COD results without the use of harsh chemicals, such as dichromate and mercury. Ideal for
Rapid, accurate results
Safe, green chemistry

Real time COD / BOD and TOC Analyzer

Make measurements in real time on a 15 minute cycle time
Minimal User Interaction
Combine analysis of pH, alkalinity, conductivity, ammonia and more.

MT series

Automated Multi-Parameter titration system. Making quality analysis faster and simpler.
Automates 32-720 samples in a single batch
Customizable user interface for simplified operation
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