Benchtop Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) elemental analyzer. Non-destructively analyze from sodium (Na) through uranium (U) in almost any matrix, from solids and alloys to powders, liquids and slurries.
NEX QC Series
Combine performance and affordability for a wide range of analytical needs.
Compared to competing XRF systems, the Rigaku Supermini200 offers superior fundamental parameters and empirical software capabilities in a high resolution instrument with a compact footprint. As a high-power benchtop sequential wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF) spectrometer, for elemental analysis of oxygen (O) through uranium (U) in almost any material, the Supermini200 uniquely delivers low cost-of-ownership (COO) with high resolution and lower limits-of-detection (LLD).
High-performance indirect excitation EDXRF for complex applications with trace elements and variable base matrices.
Ultra Carry
Disposable (single-use) sample retainer for X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis used to pre-concentrate an aqueous liquid sample onto a uniform sample carrier optimized for the suppression of background noise.
NEX DE Series
60 kV EDXRF for high-performance results when analysis time or sample throughput is critical or when small spot analysis is required.
Biochemical Oxygen Demand Analysis System
Fast, green, accurate Chemical Oxygen Demand analysis.
Using a nanotechnology based approach, the PeCODĀ® analyzer obtains fast BOD/COD results without the use of harsh chemicals, such as dichromate and mercury. Ideal for real-time monitoring for quicker and more informed decision making.
T10 Turbidity Analyzer
Rapid, accurate, and reliable turbidity analysis
Precise and fast measurements