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Hydrogen utilities

While large-scale usage in the automotive industry may still seem far away, hydrogen gas already has a variety of applications in our current society. Widely used for hydrogenation reactions by the chemical industry and in laboratories as carrier gas for gas chromatography, scientists around the world are finding more and more applications each day.


Matrix-independent determination of C and N at trace levels in solids and liquids
Precise trace analysis of carbon and nitrogen
Reliable, matrix-independent results

Vario EL Cube

Unsurpassed performance and versatility in elemental analysis. CHNS+O+Cl analysis
Exceptional elemental concentration and sample size range
Outstanding hydrogen and sulfur measurement capabilities

Rapid OXY Cube

Highly accurate and precise oxygen analysis – even in the low ppm range
An unparalleled limit of detection
Highly precise, reliable oxygen analysis

Vario MACRO Cube

The world’s first macro elemental analyzer for simultaneous carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur (C, H, N, S) determination from one sample
Highest versatility in a macro elemental analyzer
Simultaneous CHNS determination with highest precision and accuracy


This elemental analyzer combines the low operating costs and the high sensitivity of a micro elemental analyzer with the dynamic measurement range of a macro analyzer
Great sample flexibility
Outstanding hydrogen and sulfur measurement capabilities