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Rapid Microwave Sample Dryer

Rapid Bulk and Parallel Sample Drying. A unique instrument for rapidly drying samples up to 1kg.

Rapid OXY Cube

Highly accurate and precise oxygen analysis – even in the low ppm range

Vario MAX Cube

The elemental analyzer vario MAX cube is optimized for carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur determination by high-temperature combustion in organic samples up to 5 g


This elemental analyzer combines the low operating costs and the high sensitivity of a micro elemental analyzer with the dynamic measurement range of a macro analyzer

Trace SN Cube

The most sensitive combustion analyzer for sulfur and nitrogen in diesel, gasoline, and related samples

Rapid CS Cube

High precision, fast and automated carbon and sulfur analysis

Inductar EL Cube

Inductar® EL cube – Analyze five elements in one instrument