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Applications : Analysis

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SEAL Analytical

Trace SN Cube

The most sensitive combustion analyzer for sulfur and nitrogen in diesel, gasoline, and related samples
The most sensitive sulfur and nitrogen determination
Soot-free combustion

Rapid CS Cube

High precision, fast and automated carbon and sulfur analysis
Great application flexibility
One detector for the entire measuring range

Soli TOC Cube

The versatile instrument for temperature-dependent differentiation of carbon in solids
Unmatched analytical performance
Autosampler for time saving operation

Enviro TOC

TOC analysis of environmental water and wastewater at its best
Highest sample flexibility
Negligible carryover and precise results

Vario TOC Cube

TOC/TNb analysis without limitations
Customizable for your applicational needs
Outstanding stable results even in lower ppb range

Acquray Series

Enter a new world of TOC analysis
Highest sensitivity for precise measurement results
Outstanding instrument flexibility for your analytical needs

Inductar EL Cube

Inductar® EL cube – Analyze five elements in one instrument

Inductar ONH Cube

Inductar ONH Cube – Analyze 3 elements in one instrument

Inductar CS Cube

Advanced carbon and sulfur analyzer for inorganic materials


Rigaku ZSX Primus III NEXT delivers rapid elemental industrial quality control by quantitative determination of major and minor elements from Be through Cm for powder and solid samples.
Elemental analysis of solid samples
X-ray tube-above configuration